New Artist Profile – BRUCH

“Sometimes I even feel like being an artist isn’t the path for me – as someone with autism there’s too many ups and downs to ever feel comfortable with it as a career. But within a few hours of thinking that way I come up with another melody, another beat, another lyric, and I can’t just not do something about it. I need to develop it, because where there’s potential, I can’t ignore ‘what could be’.”

“There isn’t a way for me to stop or to give up. There is only forward”

I’d like to draw attention to one of the keys to success, passion. With this, everything else falls much closer to your grasp, and Bruch is a shining example of what can be achieved with true passion, in spite of her autism holding her back at times. Her debut ep “Autis” was a fitting name for an ep born from a mind viewing the world with an autistic hue. Influenced heavily by renaissance era artwork, Autis showcases massive yet fragile electronic soundscapes with intimate, ethereal vocals and percussion, almost effortlessly transporting you to her world. Everything she does feels incredibly polished, from the music itself to the cover art, music videos, press shots, etc, which stems from her innate perfectionism – a side effect of her autism. She knows exactly how she wants to present herself, musically and visually, so naturally it’s hard for her when it doesn’t go to plan. She’s surprisingly accommodating for this, however; “it is difficult, but there’s always a way around it, or another route to take.“

Bruch’s music is inspired by many things, from her classical and musical theatre/dance group heritage to K-Pop, the beauty of the world around us and mental health. Not to mention left-field artists like AURORA, Kate Bush and Björk, who gave her the push she needed to start making music publicly. As an environmental and socio-political activist, Bruch’s music takes the form of a message to be spread as well as art to be enjoyed – this is something she loves about music as her weapon of choice; “It’s not blatant propaganda. People can listen and enjoy the music, then perhaps research what other messages I’m giving. They can choose to hear the messages, or just the music.”

A lot of information has surfaced over the past year that’s dramatically changed Bruch’s world views, and lifestyle in turn. Climate breakdown really is a serious issue, and she’s equally as disheartened as she is angered by the petty ‘I’ll get to it later’ attitude today’s world leaders have. “I feel it’s my responsibility to be outspoken on behalf of the global community, and to encourage others to do the same. Something needs to change, but nothing will if we’re compliant.”

“We can’t change the past, but the future is still undecided, and if I can improve the world even a fraction by encouraging and empowering others to take action then that is worth it.” 

Shoutout to the 500 word count limit


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  2. I especially love Ley Lines, Nature’s Word and Crown but I highly recommend all Bruch’s music.


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